We are with you all the way

At Hotel Koldingfjord we a top team in action, every day. 

Our Conference Team takes care of everything you need and then some. We are your guarantee that your conference will be a success. We understand what is needed to reach your goals.

Your Conference Team are:

Billede af Conference & Booking Manager Mette Ahrendtsen

Mette Ahrendtsen

Conference & Booking Manager

76 20 86 19 ma@koldingfjord.dk

Billede af Relationship Manager Lene Bech

Lene Bech

Relationship Manager

76 20 86 13 lb@koldingfjord.dk

Billede af Conference coordinator Mette Louise Rasmussen

Mette Louise Rasmussen

Conference coordinator

76 20 86 17 mr@koldingfjord.dk

Billede af Conference coordinator Maiken Lehmann

Maiken Lehmann

Conference coordinator

76 20 86 18 ml@koldingfjord.dk

Billede af Conference coordinator Ida Stærk Andreasen

Ida Stærk Andreasen

Conference coordinator

76 20 86 11 isa@koldingfjord.dk

Billede af Conference coordinator Anette Plagborg Christensen

Anette Plagborg Christensen

Conference coordinator

76 20 86 05 ap@koldingfjord.dk

We are available Monday to Thursday from 8am - 5pm and on Fridays from 8am - 4pm CET.